German prisoners
Photograph by Walter Rosenblum / US Army Signal Corps
German prisoners
Photograph by Walter Rosenblum / US Army Signal Corps
Photograph by Walter Rosenblum / US Army Signal Corps
German prisoners
WITF is proud to sponsor Harrisburg Social Media Club and Harrisburg University’s Social Media at Work 2014 (#SMatWork14), a day-long digital media conference on Friday, April 25, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., at Harrisburg University.
Featuring more than 20 marketing, digital, and business leaders from across the U.S., the conference will deliver a day of learning and social business practices to implement immediately.
“It’s no longer enough to have business knowledge—now we must have digital skills to compete. Bringing social influencers to Harrisburg to discuss the latest tools and evolving customer expectations prepares our region to grow,” said Anne Deeter Gallaher, Harrisburg Social Media Club founder and Owner/CEO of Deeter Gallaher Group.
“Harrisburg SMC is thrilled to partner with Harrisburg University to produce the conference in downtown Harrisburg. Professionals will experience the heart of the city, one block from the state capital, and see first-hand a region on the move,” said Dan Christ, director of circulation and audience development for Advance Central Services Pennsylvania.
Keynote speakers are Mark. W. Schaefer, international social media expert, author of the newly released Social Media Explained, and professor of digital studies at Rutgers University, and Gini Dietrich, founder and CEO, Arment Dietrich, and author of Spin Sucks.
“As a public media resource, we are thrilled to support the business and community engagement at Social Media at Work 2014,” said Kathleen Pavelko, CEO, WITF. “Shared knowledge is a core of our ‘Live Inspired’ principle.”
Panels include:
Presenters and panelists include Paul Benninghove, PixelFader; Sara Bozich, SaraBozich.com; Alan Brocious, Exigo Digital Marketing; Joyce Davis, City of Harrisburg; Anne Deeter Gallaher, Deeter Gallaher Group LLC; Chad Diller, Tomlinson Bombarger; Andrew Dymski, GuavaBox and DoInbound; Kim Eisenhour, Harrisburg Symphony Orchestra; Danielle Gross, Bravo Group; Megan Healey, WHTM ABC27; Matt Hummel, Red Privet; Jason Konopinski, Arment Dietrich; Charles Palmer, Harrisburg University; Andrew Petroski, Harrisburg University; Michael Rathfon, American Music Theatre; and Kathy Snavely, Lightkeeper Consulting.
Traditional media leaders such as WITF and WHTM TV ABC27 have also joined forces with Social Media at Work to demonstrate the power of the digital channels. Additional sponsors include Harrisburg University, Deeter Gallaher Group LLC, Guavabox, Exigo Digital Marketing, and ProForma Promotes.
“Every panelist and facilitator, as well as our distinguished keynotes, is a social media soldier. We are in-the-trench practitioners,” said Deeter Gallaher. “We look forward to tweeting with you, learning from industry giants, and creating game-changing content together. Our promise to participants is a day well spent!”
Event organizers also include Dan Christ, Advance Central Services Pennsylvania; Alan Brocious, Exigo Digital; Kevin Smith, PA Realtors; Stephen Juliano, Central Penn College; Kathy Snavely, Lightkeeper Consulting; Liz Reusswig, EMR Strategies and Kids Theatre News; Sara Bozich, SaraBozich.com; and Marisa Corser, Deeter Gallaher Group.
Tickets to Social Media at Work are $99.99 for the full-day conference. Early bird tickets are available until April 1 at $79.99 and students may attend the event for $49.99.
The event schedule can be viewed and tickets may be purchased online at http://smatworkhbg.com/. For the latest event updates, follow @HarrisburgSMC on Twitter or Facebook.com/HbgSmc.
Social Media at Work 2013