2018 Written Spelling Bee Results!

The results are in!
Congratulations to the following 34 spellers who scored highest on the written portion of the WITF Central PA Spelling Bee:
Hudson Alas
Mechanicsburg MS/SD
Colin Baust-Crain
Southern MS, Southern York Co SD
Ellen Boldt
York Suburban MS/SD
Nathan Book
Yellow Breeches MS, South Middleton SD
Colin Brusse
Southern MS, Southern York Co SD
Arielle Bunce
Harrisburg Academy, Wormleysburg
Hailey Clayton
South Eastern MS/SD
Nathaniel H. Fadrigon
South Eastern MS/SD
Valorie Fisher
Tuscarora JHS, Juniata Co SD
Kate Gannon
New Cumberland MS, West Shore SD
Liam Gannon
New Cumberland MS, West Shore SD
Lola Gehman
Lamberton MS, Carlisle Area SD
Medha Gereddy
Good Hope MS, Cumberland Valley SD
Shreya Gowducheruvu
Harrisburg Academy, Wormleysburg
Edha Gupt
Central York MS/SD
Vikram Kakaria
Eagle View MS, Cumberland Valley SD
Viseth Meng
South Lebanon ES, Cornwall-Lebanon SD
Lucas Moran
South Eastern MS/SD
Rushil Negandhi
Good Hope MS, Cumberland Valley SD
Matt O’Brien
Southern MS, Southern York Co SD
Rohan Panchwagh
Dallastown Area MS/SD
Destiny Primeau
Leib ES, Dover Area SD
Gabriela Przybylski
Middletown Area MS/SD
Srihari Rajesh
Eagle View MS, Cumberland Valley SD
Ria Sai
Mechanicsburg MS/SD
Surabi Shanmugam
Eagle View MS, Cumberland Valley SD
Ganga Siddam
Infinity Charter School, Harrisburg
Gurleen Singh
Northern Lebanon MS/SD
Emilie Smith
Dallastown Area MS/SD
Jessica M. Smithson
Bermudian Springs MS/SDÂ
Christine Stavropoulos
Palmyra Area MS/SDÂ
Alina Tran
Northern MS, Northern York Co SD
Isabela Virginia Wilson
St. Joseph School, Mechanicsburg
Emerson Zobal
Selinsgrove Area MS/SD
These 34 spellers scored the highest on the written portion of WITF’s Central PA Spelling Bee. The written test was held at WITF on January 21st and consisted of 50 spelling words and 50 vocabulary words. These spellers will now advance to the oral competition which will take place at WITF on February 24th. The oral competition will be broadcast on WITF TV. The winner of the WITF Central PA Spelling Bee will move on to compete in the Scripps National Spelling Bee near Washington, DC!
Congratulations to all of the spellers who participated in WITF’s written competition. What an accomplishment! Good luck to those moving on to the oral spelling bee!
Don’t forget to watch the WITF Central PA Spelling Bee when it airs on February 25th at 6pm on WITF!