Written Spelling Bee Results 2017!

The results are in!
Congratulations to the following 36 spellers who scored highest on the written portion of the WITF Central PA Spelling Bee:
Paije Baucum
New Cumberland MS, West Shore SD
Jillian Bolio
Southern MS, Southern York County SDÂ
Nathan Book
Yellow Breeches MS, South Middleton SD
Hailey Clayton
South Eastern MS/SD
August Clements
Palmyra Area MS/SD
Elias Domanski-Ferris
New Cumberland MS, West Shore SD
Jake Elston
Lamberton MS, Carlisle Area SD
Nathaniel H. Fadrigon
South Eastern IS/SD
Grace Foltz
Tuscarora JHS, Juniata County SD
Katherine R. Gannon
New Cumberland MS, West Shore SD
Shreya Gowducheruvu
Harrisburg Academy, Lemoyne
Matthew Hagen
East Pennsboro MS/SD
Christian Hetzer
Southern MS, Southern York County SD
Reanna Hoover
Juniata Mennonite, McAlisterville
Vikram Kakaria
Eagle View MS, Cumberland Valley SD
Taylor Krause
Good Hope MS, Cumberland Valley SD
Olivia Maddux
Saint Patrick School, Carlisle
Juli Mariano
Central York MS/SD
Zachary Marshall
Tuscarora JHS, Juniata County SD
Nick Miller
Dallastown Area MS/SD
Parinita Mithepati
Eagle View MS, Cumberland Valley SD
Rylee Montague
Lamberton MS, Carlisle Area SD
Lucas Moran
South Eastern MS/SD
Rushil Negandhi
Good Hope MS, Cumberland Valley SD
Rohan Panchwagh
Dallastown Area MS/SD
Luke Pritchett
Hershey ES, Derry Township SD
Gabriela Przybylski
Middletown Area MS/SD
Logan Pursell
Selinsgrove Area MS/SD
Juliette Safer
Mechanicsburg MS/SD
Ria Sai
Mechanicsburg MS/SD
Nicole Sanna
East Pennsboro MS/SD
Surabi Shanmugam
Eagle View MS, Cumberland Valley SD
Zackary Sharkey
Southern MSÂ Southern York County SD
Emilie Smith
Dallastown Area MS/SD
Michael Watkins
Southern MS, Southern York County SD
Isabela Virginia Wilson
St. Joseph School, Mechanicsburg